Jun 30, 2015
The lighter side of religious extremism continues as the group discusses the upcoming Comic-Con Panel, Satanist Missionaries on the streets of Hollywood and Chick Tracts. Rob discusses the loss of a friend because marriage is now available to all. Facing the Duggars takes a surprise turn as Josh comes home and the...
Jun 25, 2015
Erik and Justin conclude their first series of Tread Who Perilously with "The Horns of Nimon" a story from the classic series Erik has called "the worst Doctor Who story." Does he still think that's true? Justin praises Romana and rates the companions he's seen so far. Douglas Adams' involvement in the story is examined...
Jun 18, 2015
Erik and Justin's adventure in space and time continues with two episodes from the New Series: the David Tennant era stories "Fear Her" and "42." Erik reverses his position on which is worse. Justin dubs Rose an Ogron. Martha is poorly served as she runs through corridors and the Doctor and Rose slowly stroll about a...
Jun 17, 2015
A smaller panel of experts gets to the nitty-gritty on banning comics from college literature classes and Game of Thrones. The Dukes of Hazard gets a passing name-check when considering continuity and burning crosses. Bryn takes the fathering seat when education comes up and Justin gives a sneak peak on an...
Jun 16, 2015
Welcome to another new podcast under the Sateliite Show umbrella, "Yeah, Leave It Here." Hosted by Louis and Queta, it's a discussion on the various movies they (usually Queta) find themselves watching over and over again on TV. First up is the inspiration for this podcast, the 2009 Nora Ephron double-biopic Julie and...