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Tread Perilously

Jun 30, 2016

Tread Perilously concludes its current tour of Doctor Who with its first Peter Capaldi era story, "Dark Water/Death in Heaven."

When Clara's boyfriend gets owned by a bus, Clara threatens to destroy all the keys to the TARDIS unless The Doctor agrees to save him. The Doctor decides to help her out anyway and they make...

Jun 23, 2016

Answering listener requests, Tread Perilously takes a look at "The Beast Below," the second Doctor Who episode to feature Matt Smith in the title role ... and it turns out to be a pretty good one.

The Doctor and Amy land on Starship UK, where children and adults alike fear the omnipresent Smilers. But no one knows...

Jun 16, 2016

Tread Perilously makes it way to another David Tennant era Doctor Who story. Unfortunately, it's "Love & Monsters," the other Doctor-Lite episode from 2006.

When a group of people who have all had run-ins with the Doctor form a group to find him, they quickly get distracted as they all become friends. But their small...

Jun 9, 2016

Tread Perilously returns to the modern era of Doctor Who with the Christopher Eccelston story "Boom Town" and find a member of the family Slitheen waiting for them.

As the TARDIS makes a stop-off to refuel in Cardiff, Mickey comes to visit Rose and feel inadequate in the presence of Captain Jack Harkness. But the...

Jun 2, 2016

Erik and Justin's Doctor Who excursion brings them to 1988 and "The Happiness Patrol," a Sylvester McCoy episode featuring the infamous Kandy Man.

The Doctor and Ace land on Terra Alpha, an Earth colony in the grip of the Thatcher-esque Helen A. With her Happiness Patrol, she intends to enforce cheer and happiness...