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Tread Perilously

Sep 22, 2016

Tread Perilously continues its celebration of Star Trek's 50th Anniversary with one of the driest and worst performed episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -- "Move Along Home."

When a race of Gamma Quadrant aliens known as the Wadi visit in at Quark's, his manipulation of the Dabo wheel leads to a strange name called Chula. Meanwhile, Sisko, Kira, Dax and Bashir wake up in a strange Wonderland where character actor Joel Brooks entices them to "move along home." Odo suspects the two events may be connected.

Erik and Justin contemplate Joel Brooks' infamy as an '80s guest villain, Nana Visitor's terrible performance in the episode and hopscotch. Justin offers two ways to view the episode while Erik suggests it would work better as either an episode of The Original Series or as a later season episode of DS9. The final appearance of Lt. Primmin is noted and Justin reveals a race of Gamma Quadrant aliens from the first season which work better in later context than the Wadi.

The discussion may wander into why modern sci-fi shows are more comfortable with humorous scenes.