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Tread Perilously

Jul 7, 2016

Tread Perilously returns to the case files of the Special Review Unit for an episode that warns against an education method more extreme than the common core.

When the SVU detectives dredge the body of a 14 and 1/2 year-old girl out of the river, they immediately assume she had a case of Angry Pimp Syndrome. But when the medical examiner discovers she was in the Ukraine recently, they assume she must've been part of a human trafficking operation. When the local Ukrainian trafficker spots her in a Ukrainian newspaper for her accomplishments in physics, they turn their attention to Morewood Academy, where the brightest youths in Manhattan complete for scholarships, top marks and chess commendations. You might think something sinister was happening at the school, and you'd be partially correct ... but there's at least two more blind alleys before Stabler and Benson find the real killer.

Erik and Justin welcome special guest Charlie Wright to talk about the episode, some key lines of dialogue, and a portion of an episode she actually likes. Erik and Charlie tell Justin about the show's worst ADA, Kim Greylek, and all three discover Captain Cragen can appear in a puff of smoke to fire people.